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Is it an Excuse to Stall?

Posted in A Class Act by Linden Barrick on July 2, 2012
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The internet is a power tool, isn’t it? There are courses to take, eBooks to read, blogs to examine, along with millions of websites overflowing with information.

Recently, I’ve read (among many others):

It’s all beneficial, thought-provoking information. I’ve even copied some of it into files to revisit at a later date. I’m honing my skills, exploring my craft, and preparing myself to be a better writer.

Really? Am I improving or is it avoidance? I think the devil targets my fears, crafty fellow that he is, and uses them and the valuable knowledge to be gained from the web to trick me into stalling.

I feel like someone who loves to cook but sits on the couch watching cooking shows instead of sliding the dish in the oven.

The way to become a better writer is to write. And I do write. A lot. But I’ve come to the point in my writing where I need to put more of my words “out there” for others to see. But rejection can feel like punches bruising my skin, so my finger hesitates over the SEND button.

I’ve always been a life-long learner. And as an educator, it’s hard for me to turn my back on knowledge, but it’s time to untangle myself from this snare of over-learning.

Are you stalling? What do you use as your excuse?